Potato Bites—Get Your Tail (gate) in Gear

It’s tailgate season. This is no time to mess around with overly fancy, delicate or time-sensitive creations. This is the time to bust out your EZ Foil pans with their plastic lids and put together bombproof snacks that can withstand half a day on a table (like the fine one below made in an afternoon […]

Hedonist or Healthy….. You Decide

Every Christmas season I get this desire to make and eat a lot of cookies. If you are like me, you have a hedonist side thinking butter, sugar, rich, and gooey. And then you have a healthy side thinking oats, dried fruit, nuts, and light. My inability to make a decision on which to make […]

Party Time Hummus

  It’s getting to be party season. And what’s a party without that token tub of hummus with the perfect swirl on top? Yes, it’s healthy, it’s appreciated, it gives you something to do with those mini carrots. But it’s, yawn, hummus. Wake up and smell the chickpeas! You can bring something healthy and easy […]

Paleo Crack…ers

And then it happened. Just when I thought I would never find a decent snack that would pass the paleo test (note: I do not have the discipline to be a paleo eater, but in case I find it someday I want to be sure I could eat something other than bacon, cauliflower and coconut […]