Huge apologies to those of you who suffered through our rookie moves yesterday and got two posts that were basically about nothing. We were setting up the site for our Ingredient of the Month feature and two rogue posts of asparagus and strawberry nothingness went out. Not only are we apologizing, but we’re making it up to you by posting something super cool just in time for the long weekend.
I heard about this last night from a fellow baseball mom, who like me really wishes it felt a little more like gin and tonic weather and less like red wine weather at this point. What Are You Drinking is an interactive site where bartender Rosie Schaat will mix you up the appropriate cocktail based on your choices in three simple criteria. Rosie writes the Drink column for the NY Times and also wrote a memoir called “Drinking with Men.” Suffice to say she knows her stuff, so when you tell her you are looking for a “crisp” drink with “Tequila” and are hoping for a “lively evening” she will take you right to a Tequila Highball. If you prefer something “fruity” with “rum” for a “sweltering day” she’ll steer you towards a spiked hibiscus iced tea.
Sure, the virtual bartender has some serious limitations (Hellooooo? Where’s the vodka option?!?) but all in all it’s pretty cool, and at the very least it assures you’ll have at least one easy choice after 5 pm.
Have a fun, relaxing, long-on-friends, light-on-work, everything-on-the-grill weekend, and do let us know if you liked what you ordered. Cheers!
That’s what I call something for nothing!