Full Moon Frolics

Full moon frolic gear

Full moon frolic gear. Just add adventurous people, and take away daylight.

We have the confluence of two great things coming up: a full moon and St. Patricks Day. You know what that means? Night frolicking! With yet another wallop of fresh snow on the ground this is prime time to break out snowshoes, cross country skis or crampons and gather some friends for a soiree.

Now, with St. Pattys Day in the mix, you’re going to want some adult refreshments on hand. The key is to find hot base beverages and bring flasks of the hard stuff to add. This takes out the guesswork of how much to make, and avoids the potentially disastrous circumstance of a young’n swigging Irish coffee instead of hot cocoa.

And by the way, kids have to be involved. There is no way you’re leaving them home with a sitter for this fun. Oh, and “It’s too cold!” is so not an option. If you hear any of that, take control and lead. Be the one to start a tradition of getting out on full moon nights, no matter how cold it is. Trust me–you’ll warm right up. Being out in a winter full moon is transformative, so grab the headlamps and Thermoses and get out there!

Base mixers:

Keep it simple: Hot cider, hot cocoa, hot tea with honey (because its the right thing to do) and a can or two of whipped cream.

Firewater of choice:

Dark Rum, Maple liqueur (like sugar maple or sapling), tequila, peppermint schnapps (for rookies), Kahlua, Aquavit, that scary bottle of clear stuff that simply says “2002” on the cap.

 Mixing it up:

Cocoa and coffee will happily accommodate whatever you toss in there. Try hibiscus tea with tequila; earthy or spicy tea with dark rum; mint and citrusy tea with anything.  These are not even guidelines. As ever, be creative and go with what you’ve got. Here are a few combos you might want to try, if only because we went to the trouble of naming them. All can be enjoyed without whipped cream, but c’mon–it’s a full moon, you’re with friends, and doggone it you deserve every bit of this!

Sappy Cocoa: Cocoa with maple liqueur

Tipsy Tree Tea: Tea and maple liqueur

Vermontish Coffee: Coffee and maple liqueur with whipped cream

Hot Amigo: Cider and tequila with whipped cream

Hot Johnny: Cider and dark rum

Oaxaca Hot Chocolate: Cocoa, tequila cinnamon, whipped cream

Arlberg Heisse Schokolade:  Cocoa, dark rum,whipped cream

Arlberg  Tee mit Rum: (for when they run out of cocoa): Tea and dark rum

Cafe Ole: Coffee, Tequila, Kahlua, whipped cream

 And then, because you need something straight up and green…

Puck o the Irish: Equal parts apple pucker liqueur and vodka (potato vodka for traditionalists). Pour it over fresh snow and make it a Frozen Pucker.

Puck of the Irish and Frozen Pucker

Puck of the Irish and its evil twin, the Frozen Pucker. Shot glass acquired from one of Austria’s finest apres ski establishments.